Known Problems and Limitations Print


This document lists known problems, limitations, workarounds, and solutions for the next revision of the hardware:

  • Silkscreen Reference Designators C106 and R101 are swapped.
    ID: RM 6874.
    Workaround: None.
    Solution: Use an updated PDF Top Overlay (requires registration and login). Use Assembly Drawing for the part placement.
    The next PWB build should be manufactured with the updated Top Overlay.
  • The LEDs are reversed on the STM32H7-BSB Rev 2B.
    ID: RM 6882.
    Workaround: LEDs DS1, DS2, and DS3 should be reversed.
    Solution: Use updated Pick-and-Place files (requires registration and login) for the next board assembling.
    Use an updated PDF Top Overlay (requires registration and login). Use Assembly Drawing for the part placement.
    The next PWB build should be manufactured with the updated Top Overlay.